Noncontact injuries, rates, mechanism and occurrence in Field Hockey in Scotland | Abstract
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European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science


Noncontact injuries, rates, mechanism and occurrence in Field Hockey in Scotland

Author(s): T. Johnston*, K. Kaliarntas, S. Brown and C. Taylor

Field hockey (hockey), as an intermittent, invasive sport carries injury risks. While contact injuries have been reported, noncontact injuries in hockey have received little attention in the scientific literature, therefore, this study will focus on the frequency, mechanism, characteristics, timing, and nature of noncontact injuries in this sport. Methods: A retrospective online injury questionnaire was completed by 317 Hockey players (n=317, male=166, female=151) of all positions, various levels, and ages to capture noncontact injuries in hockey. The questionnaire was available via the SurveyMonkey® platform between November 2014 and March 2015. Results: Overall noncontact injury rates were 4.09 per 1000 playing hours (95% CI 3.59-4.54), 4.73/1000 playing hours for females (95% CI 3.98-5.4) and 3.47 (95% CI, 2.83-4.09) for males Injuries to the knees, hamstrings, and ankles are the most commonly reported injuries during sidestepping, landing, and sudden acceleration, causing minimal or slight injuries. There were no statistical differences (p>0.05) in level, age, position, or gender. Injuries occurred more frequently (not statistically different) in training than in competition, and competition, more injuries were sustained in the 3rd quarter of the game. There were more injuries during the first half of the season than in the second half. Conclusion: No statistically significant differences were observed in injury rates in hockey between genders, positions, ages, and levels. Hockey players sustained injuries to the knee, hamstring, and ankle during sidestepping, landing, and accelerating causing minimal or slight injuries (muscle/ligament damage and bruising) in training and the 3rd quarter most frequently. Noncontact injury rates in hockey are similar to other team sports