Modelling eradication of cultism through education and counselling intervention strategies | Abstract
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Modelling eradication of cultism through education and counselling intervention strategies

Author(s): Ogbaji E.O. and Adaji M.O.

In this study, we proposed a model for eradication of cultism through education and counselling intervention strategies. Ordinary differential equation of order one was used to formulate the model equations based on some basic assumptions. Stability analysis of susceptible, initiated subpopulation and entire population models were carried out. The results show that: ( )         - + > 1 2 ) f r r g b c c b m f f m m , ( )         - + > 1 2 ) f r r g b c c b f m m f f , ( )         - + > 1 2 ) f r r b c c g b m f f m m , ( )         - + > 1 2 ) f r r b c c g b f m m f f , ) ( )2 ( m f f m b +f > c r c r Therefore, eradication of cultism is possible at finite order. In view of the above results, we conclude that by educating susceptible and counsel initiated population frequently, it will bring about eradication of cultism in the society. We recommend that government at local, state and federal levels, non-governmental agencies, educators, counsellors, parents, etc should encourage education of cultism and its effects right from homes, churches, mosques, schools, religious and social gathering. Also proper counselling units should be sighted in various locations (such as, streets, towns, villages, cities, countries, schools, homes, churches, mosques, religious and social gathering) where there are initiated members.