Milk : A new sport drinking | Abstract
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Annals of Biological Research


Milk : A new sport drinking

Author(s): Vahide Alipour1, Zahra Hojati2, Mohammad Reza Rahimibashar1

Milk is a recovery beverage that enhances recovery and either maintains or improves the athlete's workout is highly desired. Acute consumption of far – free fluid milk after resistance exercise promotes a greater positive protein balance.Milk contains high – quality protein and essential amino acids that maybe particularly beneficial in building and maintaining muscle mass when combined with exercise. Can after exercise can help increase lean muscle, improve body composition and reduce damage from exercise. Drinking milk after resistance exercise has been shown to help with protein metabolism. Athletic men and women who drank milk one hour after a resistance exercise, a significant increase in the measured amino acids (phenylalanine and threonine), which is representative of net muscle protein synthesis