Now a days application of geomrphology in reginal reconstruction has attracted the attention of all planners. Role of geomorphology in recognition of desert regions the method of developing thesese regions by surveying type / unit and faciase can confirm them as being desert on not. InrestigationGhahavand region using by Topography maps 1:50,000 and 1:25000 scale is Located then are analized aerial photograph 1:20000 and photo sattlie and Arc Gis9 software Excel, filed observation in the bioclimatic. Ghahavand plain is a natural occurance with a slope of less them (%2 ) which is located betwean the full of slopes around the regions like Alvand / Shazand and vessal which is most probabably our subsidant region located in the east of Hamedan province . considering the geological / climatological / hydrological / soil and ... charactristics the present pedimont has been developed as expanded under hydro geomorphological / and morphodynamical conditions and unit / type and geomorphological faiase like those seen in central regions of graben like playas can be well seperated and recognized in it. the geomorphologic desert plain of Ghahavand has been devided to plain and playa. From rocognizable types of the plain unit we can refer to Fans and pedimont cone and from playa unit to Kavir and desert. The faciase of the Fans / ending Pediomont / aluvialtrases / mark hills / clay extentions ( like Degh ) saltishextentions are the geomorphological features of Ghahavand desert plain which is well distinguishable . Due to such features / Ghahavand region is one of the desert regions of the country / and by considering the geomoropological indicators we can easily seperate the dersert from nondesert .