In order to find the best indexes and also to determine the best of drought tolerant wheat genotypes, five genotypes of wheat in a completely randomized block design with three replications were planted and evaluated. The experiment was conducted in two separate normal irrigation and drought tension experiments and in under drought stress treatments, after flowering the irrigation was eliminated. Analysis of variance demonstrated that there is no significant difference among the studied genotypes in normal irrigation condition however there is a significant difference among the studied genotypes in drought tension condition, at 5% probability level. By analyzing to main components the seven studied indicators were reduced to two components. Analysis of correlation between the yield in two environments and indexes and graphical Biplot based on components, showed that the most appropriate indicators to identify genotypes, is the geometric mean productivity (GMP), mean productivity (MP) and stress tolerance index (STI), respectively. The genotypes of number Mv17 were located in favorable area of Biplot, each genotype has the lower performance fluctuation of environmental conditions and they have introduced as tolerant to stress genotypes.