Investigate the changes of superoxide dismutase in the seedling stage of enduring and sensitive to drought cultivars of canola | Abstract
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Investigate the changes of superoxide dismutase in the seedling stage of enduring and sensitive to drought cultivars of canola

Author(s): Reza Rezaei*, Hossein Shahbazi, Mohammad Hossein Ansari and Bahram Alizadeh

In order to study the relationship between activity of antioxidant enzymes with drought tolerance, an experiment were performed using 8 different cultivars of Canola with different degrees of drought tolerance in a randomized complete block design with three replications in three level of drought stress (Non stress or 100% field capacity), moderate stress (75% field capacity) and high stress (50% field capacity). Traits measurement was carried out in three stages, with an interval of about 5 days. Data analysis was conducted as composite in environment and time. The experimental was measured in pots of 35 cm diameter and a depth of 38 which amount of plant available water was by weighting method and based on the extent determining of FC (Field Capacity) and PWP (permanent wilting extent) using plaster blocks device. 10 seeds were planted in each pot. Plants were sparse after a three-leaf stage and remained 5 plants per pot. Tensions began when the plants had five leaves. This experiment was performed as greenhouse at Ardabil city in the summer of 2012. Enzymatic extraction was performed by method of Sairam et al [1]. Superoxide dismutase activity was measured by method Giannopolities and Ries [2], and was calculated the method of Asada et al [3]. Results of variance analysis showed the difference between genotypes was no significant at all stress and stages levels, which this experiment agree with results of some studies and were inconsistent with several other studies. Mean comparison showed that with the passage of time increased enzyme activity. Stress intensity was not affected on superoxide dismutase activity. Enzyme activity in susceptible cultivars in more severe stress was higher than resistant cultivars.