Inventory of Culicidae (Diptera: Nematocera) in the region of Collo (North-East Algeria) | Abstract
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Inventory of Culicidae (Diptera: Nematocera) in the region of Collo (North-East Algeria)

Author(s): N. Boudemagh, F. Bendali-Saoudi and N. Soltani

A mosquito’s survey was conducted in the region of Collo (North-East of Algeria) between November 2011 and October 2012 where the collection of specimens was performed twice a month in urban and rural sites. Species were identified using the software of Schaffner et al., (2001). Thirteen species representing five genus were identified: Uranotaenia unguiculata, Edwards, 1913; Orthpodomyia pulcripalpis, Rodani, 1872; Culex pipiens, Linnaeus, 1758; Culex Laticinctus, Edwards, 1913; Culex impudicus, Ficalbi, 1890, Culex pusillus, Macquart, 1850; Culex hortensis, Ficalbi, 1889; Culex theileri, Theobald 1903; Culiseta annulata, Schrank 1776; Culiseta ochroptera, Peus, 1935; Culiseta glaphyroptera, Schiner, 1864; Culiseta longiareolata, Macquart, 1838; and Anopheles maculipennis sacharovi, Favre, 1903. Ecological parameters such as diversity, richness indices and centesimal frequency were calculated to analyze changes in diversity, similarity, and dominance of species for each site: Culex pipiens was dominant in both urban and rural sites with 52, 38% and 51% respectively.