Intermolecular hydrogen bonding formation in aqueous D-Mannitol | Abstract
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Intermolecular hydrogen bonding formation in aqueous D-Mannitol

Author(s): O.P.Chimankar, Ranjeeta Shriwas, V.A.Tabhane

The density and ultrasonic velocity measurements were carried out in aqueous solutions of Dmannitol in the concentration range of 0.1 to1.0 M and temperature between 303.15K to 323.15K.. The thermoacoustical parameters viz. adiabatic compressibility, free volume, internal pressure and Moelwyn-Hughes parameter have been computed from the experimental parameters shows nonlinear increase or decrease with various concentrations and temperatures. These parameters were interpreted as due to the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonding between the hydroxyl groups of D-mannitol and water molecules.