Influence of rainfall and water level on inland fisheries production: A review | Abstract
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Influence of rainfall and water level on inland fisheries production: A review

Author(s): A. E. S. PATRICK

Variation and shift in the seasonal pattern of the hydro-climatic factors is probably because of climate related changes. Rainfall, river inflow, snowmelt, and consequent fluctuation in water level are the hydro-climatic factors that influence the inland fisheries production worldwide. Increase in rainfall and water level favours the reproduction, recruitment and immigration of fish in the inland reservoirs. However, heavy rainfall and increased water level reduces the fish catch and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) significantly. During rainy season fish migrate to the newly inundated areas and shallow peripheries and escape from fishing gear because of the water level rise in the inland reservoirs. Reduction in CPUE also justify by the reduction in the number of fishers, boat, nets and fishing duration in the rainy days. Fingerling stocking and ceasing of fishing activities in rainy season are the common management practices in tropical countries like Sri Lanka. Climate change and consequent irregular rainfall pattern interrupt the inland fisheries production and management in capricious nature. Understanding the influences of climate changes in the hydro-climatic factors and predicting the future changes by modeling in a rational manner is mandatory for sustainable inland fisheries production.