Influence of Attentional Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? Focus on Center of Mass Displacement of Body Different Segments in Basketball Set Shot | Abstract
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Influence of Attentional Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? Focus on Center of Mass Displacement of Body Different Segments in Basketball Set Shot

Author(s): Mir Hamid SALEHIAN, Behzad YASREBI, Ismaeel AFKHAMI, Farzad ZEHSAZ and Saeed FAZLOLLAHI

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of focus of attention (internal and external) on center of mass displacement of body different segments (forearm, trunk, thigh and leg) in university male basketball beginners, participating on learning of basketball set shot. 30 right handed male students by average 18-30 years with no knowledge of basketball were chosen randomly and by pretest 10 set shot, were matched randomly into 2 experimental groups: Internal (i.e., focus on the wrist) and External (i.e., focus on the basket). A retention test was conducted for each group. Data was analyzed by independent T test and Mann-Whitney U test. By analyzing the proposed hypotheses at the P≤0.05 demonstrated significant difference between Internal and External focus on trunk center of mass displacement.