Indigenous Knowledge on Medicinal Plants Used for Treating Diarrhoea and Dysentery among the Garo Community, Meghalaya (North East India) | Abstract
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources


Indigenous Knowledge on Medicinal Plants Used for Treating Diarrhoea and Dysentery among the Garo Community, Meghalaya (North East India)

Author(s): Naldarine M Marak and Lalnundanga

The present study is the first hand information of the Garo community regarding the ethnomedicinal use of plants
on diarrhoea and dysentery. It is designed to survey and document important medicinal plants from the real
practitioners or oja, knowledgeable persons of tribal and rural by filling up the questionnaire, personal interviews
who were experienced in practicing indigenous or folk medicine in the West Garo Hills district, Meghalaya. Ethno
medically survey on plants was conducted during the year 2014-2016. The findings of the present study indicates that
a total of 39 medicinal plants belonging to 38 genera and 29 families were recorded which includes botanical name
of the plant, prevalent local name, uses, formulations and also mode of administration. This paper is part of an
ongoing research and will contribute to create awareness and generate traditional knowledge associated with these