In silico studies of NF-�Ž�ºB protein as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory target | Abstract
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Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design


In silico studies of NF-�Ž�ºB protein as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory target

Author(s): Ranganatha S, Shruthi SD, Govindappa M and Ramachandra YL

Many companies have developed novel agents acting on the NF-κB pathway: some of these agents are supposed to be NF-κB specific (i.e. IKK inhibitors) while others have wide-range biological activities (i.e. proteasome inhibitors). The study was conducted to find out the interactions of NF-κB with standard anti-cancer and antiinflammatory drug such as daunorubicin and dexamethasone respectively. The drugs were tested for interactions with NF-κB protein from different mammals, with special reference to NF-κB from Homo sapiens. The results were analysed based on number of hydrogen bonds formed for interation and energy required. At the same time the structural similarity study was done to find out the similarities of human NF-κB with that of other mammals.