Impact of parental remarriage on second gear high school student�¢����s aggression Tehran | Abstract
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Impact of parental remarriage on second gear high school student�¢����s aggression Tehran

Author(s): Abdolmajid Bahreyniyan, Morteza Azizi, Mina Shirazi Rad and Tavakol Mosazade

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of remarriage on their second, gear high school male and female aggression un Tehran. That has been used scientific and Comparison method. The actuarial all student’s female and male that studding the second year of high school in Tehran and sample included 240 people included 120 male students and 120 female students. So that from each sex 60 students have remarried parents and 60 students did not remarried parents. Data Collection tools: The questionnaire has pass and pary 29 questions. In order analyze data, descriptive and deductive statistics were used. For collate average, variance, standard deviation and histogram charts and polygon descriptive statistics and the relation ship between variables of inferential statistics including analysis of variance was used to design two parents. Results: Children’s overall level of aggression whose parent have remarried id more then the children who the parents did not remarried and physical aggression in male are more than female. Male belonging to families who have remarried Compared with male how do not belong to this family of physically aggression. In families where parents have remarried verbal hostility aggression in female is more than male.