How a Drug Is Administered in Aquaculture? | Abstract
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European Journal of Zoological Research


How a Drug Is Administered in Aquaculture?

Author(s): Alice Bradley

The Aquaculture is a farming of aquatic species such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs, algae, and other valuable organisms such as aquatic plants is known as aquaculture (e.g. lotus). Aquaculture is the controlled or semi-natural cultivation of freshwater and saltwater populations, as opposed to commercial fishing, which is the capture of wild fish. Aquaculture is one of the world’s fastest growing food production sectors, with an average annual growth rate of 7.1%, accounting for 46 percent of total food and fish supply. Disease outbreaks, on the other hand, are seen as a major stumbling block to the sector’s growth, inflicting billions of dollars in economic losses each year around the world. To avoid or control infections in aquaculture, a variety of antimicrobial agents are utilised, including antibacterial medications (antibiotics), insecticides, hormones, anaesthetics, colours, minerals, and vitamins. Antimicrobial agents are frequently used in hatcheries, in addition to brood stock facilities, to prevent pathogens from being introduced into new facilities during eggs, fry, or brooding; to prevent diseases from spreading to the wild through hatchery effluent or hatchery fish release or rearing Fish; and to prevent pathogens that are already endemic in a watershed from spreading.