The paper focuses on Ouagadougou ionosonde station quiet time hmF2 variability during solar cycle minimum and maximum and over seasons. Experimental hmF2 have been estimated by means of IRI-2012 and TIEGCM for the years 1985 and 1990. It emerges from this study that daytime peak amplitude is always superior to that of nighttime during solar minimum for both models while during solar maximum nighttime peak is always higher for TIEGCM and fairly the same for IRI-2012 for all seasons except for June where it is the reverse. hmF2 for solar maximum is higher than for solar minimum. Equinoctial asymmetry is observed during all solar phases. The pre-post sunrise peak is only observed in TIEGCM predictions. The annual anomaly is only seen during solar maximum for all models. TIEGCM better expresses data quiet time variation than IRI-2012 for this African EIA sector station.