Historical Review Of Mantodea Occurrence In Egypt With Notes About Eremiaphila Spp. In The Middle East And North Africa | Abstract
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European Journal of Zoological Research


Historical Review Of Mantodea Occurrence In Egypt With Notes About Eremiaphila Spp. In The Middle East And North Africa

Author(s): Rabia Enan, Sohair GadAllah, Mohamed Okely, Mohamed Nasser

Mantis is charismatic predatory creatures of order Mantodea. They constituted small insects order with about 2500 species. They form one of the most diverse and unique predatory insects on variety of ecosystems and habitats through our planet. Through this work basic information about these insects on Egypt are provided including comprehensive literature survey and notes concerning most important species and specialists through history. Also, the records of occurrence and new species discovered from the Middle East and North Africa were given for genus Eremiaphila