Heavy metals concentrations in four selected seafood from crude oil polluted waters of Ogoniland, Rivers State, Nigeria | Abstract
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Heavy metals concentrations in four selected seafood from crude oil polluted waters of Ogoniland, Rivers State, Nigeria

Author(s): Kpobari Williams Nkpaa, Mathew Owhonda Wegwu and Eka Bassey Essien

This study was carried out to determine the concentrations of heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, zinc, manganese, lead and iron) in some fish speciesand crustaceans collected from Kaa, B-Dere and Bodo City in Ogoniland, Rivers State, Nigeria. A Total of two types of fish species and crustaceans were investigated. They were analyzed with atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The highest level of 1520 ± 1.62 of iron was recorded in Penaeus notialis from Bodo City while Liza falcipinis from Kaa shows the least value of 290 ± 0.97. Maximum concentration of manganese was recorded in Tilapia queneensis and the minimum value was recorded in Liza falcipinis. High levels of chromium, cadmium, lead and zinc were recorded in Tilapia queneensis, Callinectes pali, Penaeus notialis and Tilapia queneensis respectively. Liza falcipinis had the least concentrationsofcromium, cadmium andzinc while Penaeus notialis had the least concentrations of lead. All the fish speciesand crustaceans collected from the sites contained detectable amounts of the elements investigated. It was observed that the level of heavy metals in all the fish species werehigh except for chromium detected in Tilapia queneensis, Liza falcipinis, Callinectes pali and Penaeus notialis which was lower than the permissible limits for human consumption designated by the USEPA, WHO, and FAO. The present study shows that precaution measures need to be taken as the levels of heavy metals detected in seafood from these sites posed serious threat to the populace that feed on them. It also improves the baseline data and information on chromium, lead, cadmium, zinc, manganese and iron concentrations in saltwater fishes and crustaceans (Tilapia queneensis, Liza falcipinis, Callinectes pali and Penaeus notialis) commonly marketed in OgoniLand. Such data provide valuable information on safety of fishes commonly consumed by the public. Keywords: