Health implication of vehicular emissions to traffic wardens and road side business operators in Port Harcourt city | Abstract
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Health implication of vehicular emissions to traffic wardens and road side business operators in Port Harcourt city

Author(s): Ucheje O. and Agbazue V.E

Vehicular emissions have emerged as one of the major sources of air pollution in urban centers. In this paper, three pollutants (CO, NO2 and SO2), and meteorological parameters (Air temperature windspeed and Relative Humidity) were monitored, at four sample locations, selected by simple random technique. Two peak periods were chosen (morning and evening). The result of the analysis was used to compare with the USEPA ambient air quality standard. From the result, carbon monoxide gave the highest concentration in the two peak periods. Sulphur dioxide was found to have the lowest concentration in both peaks, when compared with USEPA ambient air quality standard, carbon monoxide was rated poor in locations A and C, at location B (5.67ppm), it was rated moderate, and rated good (3.97ppm) at location D. Secondly, NO2 concentration in all sample locations were higher than USEPA air quality standard, SO2 concentrations were lower than air quality standard when compared. Finally, the study concludes that pollutant from vehicular emission poses a serious threat to the health of traffic wardens and business operators along transportational route.