Gold nanoparticles: an optical biosensor for the direct RNA quantification for cancer, neurological disorders and hepatitis C virus diagnosis | Abstract
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Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design


Gold nanoparticles: an optical biosensor for the direct RNA quantification for cancer, neurological disorders and hepatitis C virus diagnosis

Author(s): Sherif M Shawky

The unique physicochemical properties of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been exploited to develop gold aggregating gold (GAG) approach. Quantification of HCV RNA is a cornerstone in the infection management. On the other hand, topoisomerase 1 (TOP and tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase 2 (TDP2) were among the transcripts of choice due to their role as genomic stability biomarkers and their implication in various cancers and neurological disorders. The existing technologies are expensive, labour intensive and time consuming, posing significant limitations to their wide scale exploitation, particularly in economically deprived populations. We have developed for the first time; cationic AuNPs to induce aggregation of citrate capped AuNPs decorated with RNA of interest specific probe (nanoprobe). Methods: TOP1, TDP2 and HCV RNA were first captured specifically using magnetic nanoparticles that were functionalized with a TOP, TDP2 and HCV specific probes in serum specimens, respectively.