Present study focusses on the extracellular synthesis of nanosilver using the cell filtrate extract of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus sp. isolated from the soil. Thecolour of the cell filtrate changes in to brown upon addition of silver nitrate suggest the nanoparticle formation. These nanoparticles were further analysed by UV spectrophotmetr which showed the silver peak. Field emission electron microscopy (FESEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed particles are polydispersed, spherical and well within the range of nanosize 70 to 90 nmwhereas X ray diffraction analysis showed the diffraction peaks at 38, 46 and 64 which determines the purity of silver nanoparticles These nanoparticles showed good antibacterial activity alone and also enhances the antibacterial activity of Amoxicillin during the present study