Der Pharmacia Lettre
Author(s): Abhishek Kumar Chauhan, Arun Kumar, Manish Kumar, Sachin Kumar, Sweta Singh
The purpose of the study was to prolong the gastric residence time of famotidine by designing its
floating tablets and to study the influence of different polymers on its release rate. Three
formulations of famotidine containing varying concentrations of polymers were designed by
optimization. The floating matrix tablets of famotidine were prepared by direct compression
method. The prepared tablets were evaluated for physicochemical parameters such as hardness,
floating properties (floating lag time, floating time and matrix integrity), and drug content. The
physicochemical parameters of formulated tablets were found to be within normal range. The
floating lag time of all the formulations was within the prescribed limit (54 Sec). All the
formulations showed good matrix integrity and retarded the release of drug for 12 hours. The
drug release from F-II was found to follow zero order kinetics. It was also found linear in
Higuchi�¢����s plot, which confirms that diffusion is one of the mechanisms of drug release.