Factor analysis of barriers and problems affecting the development of nanotechnology in agriculture | Abstract
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Annals of Biological Research


Factor analysis of barriers and problems affecting the development of nanotechnology in agriculture

Author(s): Hasan Ahmadi1*, Rouhollah Rezaei2 and Shaghayegh Kheiri1

The aim of this paper is to utilizing factor analysis to classify "The importance of the (relevance) development of nanotechnology in the framework of National Innovation System and barrier and problems that affect the diffusion of nanotechnology in agriculture" And the amount of variance explained by each of the variables is grouped into factors. Description of the research is based on the data which was collected through questionnaires that was obtained according to the opinions of experts, and its reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's Alpha by SPSS software (α = 0.94). The study population consisted of 120 researchers working in 15 National Institutes and Agricultural Research Centers (affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture) in the country. According to Krjsy – Morgan Table, about 92 of them were selected for the study and after distribution and collection of the questionnaires, the results of the 81 questionnaires were found suitable and analyzed. In order to Factor analysis of barriers and problems affecting the development of nanotechnology in agricultural, the exploratory factor analysis with the approach of data summarizing was used. Using factor analysis, four factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were extracted. Variables and barriers affecting the development of nanotechnology in agriculture according to factor loadings after orthogonal rotation using the varimax factors were classified. These factors explained 74.399% of the total variance, and only less than 25.601% of variance was due to factors that were not identified through factor analysis. As a result, according to extracted results, the "financial - support" factor with the variance of 24.175 had the highest importance in the explanatory variables. After that, the "Communication - Management", the "cognitive - learning" and "operating infrastructure" factors were following it respectively