This study aimed at exploring factors affecting application of soil conservation practices (SCPs) among Iranian farmers. Statistical population of this study consisted of all farmers in the Ilam province of Iran. Using Cochran's sampling formula, 137 farmers were selected as a sample. Respondents were selected by using Stratified random sampling method. For increasing reliability of the findings, 250 questionnaires distributed among farmers, ultimately 228 questionnaires completed and analyzed in SPSS software. The instrument of the study was a questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was established by calculating Chronbach's Alpha Coefficient (α>0.7). Results of the study showed that majority (67.1%) of the farmers applied the SCPs in moderate and low level. Results of means comparison showed that there is significant difference between application of SCPs by farmers in the terms of variables of membership or non membership in the rural organizations and receiving or not receiving loans for implementing SCPs. Also, results of correlation analysis showed that application of SCPs by farmers significantly correlated with the size of farming land, amount of annual income, level of farmers' education, number of participation in extension- education courses, amount of using communication channels and information sources, knowledge and attitude toward SCPs (P<0.01). Finally, results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that three variables consisting attitude toward SCPs, number of participation in extension- education courses, and size of farming land account for 56.2 percent of dependent variable (SCPs) variances among farmers in the study area.