Examination of the component pattern of cybernetic (Control and Decision making) in general department of physical education in Esfahan Province | Abstract
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Examination of the component pattern of cybernetic (Control and Decision making) in general department of physical education in Esfahan Province

Author(s): Rezvan Dadkhah

The main purpose of this research is investigating the relations between the use of control component with decision making component of Cybernetic pattern in general Education Department of Esfahan Province. This research paper is an application oriented one and based on correlation process and the statisticians including 221 of General Physical Educational department staffs in 2011. 141 of these were chosen by Accidental division sampling and harmonized with the content. The implements of accumulating of accumulating of data’s, Cybernetic pattern questionnaire contains 19 question pack based on Likert grade criterion with perennial modulus ofo.88 and is was questionnaire based. Analyzing data based on presumptioning statistic Heltinng’s T2 is done and inferencial statistics position( of experimental applying kolmogrov Smirnoff sampling test was natural and there was homogeneity between variances Cybernetic level was considered p ≤0/05. The research findings showed. The Physical Educational department of Esfahan was in rather good condition in using both two components of Cybernetic pattern (controlling and decision making) and organizing its activities. There are Cybernetic (meaningful) differences between two components (controlling and decision making) and decision– making will be improved by using control component. The staffs should be taken part in organizational decisions and destinations and the staffs, motivation for participating in the activities of the organization would be increased.