The aim of this study is to evaluate the therapeutic use of raw garlic against Pb toxicity. Male rabbits were exposed, either to a diet containing 400 Pb acetate/Kg diet, or combined with garlic (5g/100g diet) for a period of 2 weeks. Semen analysis was performed from the epididymis, and the levels of testosterone, cholesterol, haemoglobin, hematocrit and blood cells were evaluated. The obtained results have indicated that testosterone concentration was not affected significantly by both treatments compared to the control. Sperm concentration, motility and viability were reduced in the Pb group and also in the Pb-garlic group when compared to the control. Contrary, sperm speed was significantly reduced in the Pb group only. There was a significant decrease of red blood cells accompanied by a significant rise of white blood cells compared with the control. On the other hand, hematocrit, hemoglobin and cholesterol of the Pb group were almost similar as that of the control. Concerning the Pb-garlic group, red blood counts and cholesterol level were not significantly different when compared to the control, but that of white blood counts was still elevated. To conclude, in Pb intoxicated rabbits, garlic may exert a protective role by maintaining cholesterol, red blood cells and sperm speed to almost normal levels, but it failed to preserve those of white blood cells and most sperm parameters.