Evaluation of the forage yield and quality in some accessions of Dactylis Glomerata under irrigated conditions | Abstract
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Evaluation of the forage yield and quality in some accessions of Dactylis Glomerata under irrigated conditions

Author(s): Mohsen Farshadfar

In order to evaluate the forage quality and yield, 36 accessions of Dactylis Glomerata were investigated by using randomized complete block design with three replications. Traits such as the forage dry matter yield (DMY) and quality were measured. The results of the variance analysis indicated a significant difference between the heritability (Hb) and other traits studied. Among the quality traits studied, the crude protein (CP) indicated positive and significant correlation with ashes percent (AP) and significant negative correlation with water solution carbohydrates (WSC) and the crude fiber (CF). The cluster analysis and mean comparison among groups resulting from the cluster analysis verified these results. By using factor analysis, three factors could be identified after Varimax rotation. These independent factors accounted for 83.63% of total variance. The first and the second factors were markers of the forage quality. The third factor indicated the FDM. According to the mean comparison and the factor analysis, accessions 1, 8 and 11 had greatest values for quality traits. Accession 32 had greatest amount of the digestibility dry matter (DDM) and the CP based on mean comparisons. But this accession was too weak to produce FDM. Although, the greatest value of the FDM was observed in accessions 3 and 33. Based on the mean comparison and factor analysis, the optimum values of the quality traits were only observed in accessions 21 and 28. Consequently, accessions 9,8,11,32,3,33,21,28 could be introduced and suggested to produce artificial cultivars in breeding program under irrigated condition in Kermanshah province.