Evaluating small scale industrial water use in Rukuba Chiefdom of Bassa L.G.A of Plateau State | Abstract
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Evaluating small scale industrial water use in Rukuba Chiefdom of Bassa L.G.A of Plateau State

Author(s): Ishaku Asukudu Peter

The paradox, that water is not in short supply over the earth as whole (about 70% of the earth surface is water yet it’s not news that thus resources which is so relevant to the existence of life is not readily available at the required quantity and quality at all times, in all places. Therefore, the paper explore small scale industrial water use in Rukuba Chiefdom. Through to use of questionnaire. Five small scale industries were studied namely; poultry production, Block-making, Grinding, cooking (restaurant & road side food vendors) and local beer brewing (Burukutu). However, the study revealed that these industries abstract their water from three major sources, Boreholes, hand dug well and streams. It also shows that 4% of the water was use for grinding, 52% was use for making of blocks, 10% was used in poultry production, 28% went into cooking and 6% went into brewing of local beer (Burukutu). The result of the research therefore show a mark variation in terms of sectorial usage and a use of large volume of water in terms of consumption. It also show a shortage of the resource. Therefore, from the above the paper suggests the development of more sources of water to meet the increasing demand.