Ethnobotanical Survey of Plants Used in the Treatment of Haemorrhoids in South-Western Nigeria | Abstract
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Ethnobotanical Survey of Plants Used in the Treatment of Haemorrhoids in South-Western Nigeria

Author(s): Mike O. Soladoye, Michael O. Adetayo, Emmanuel C. Chukwuma and Amusa N Adetunji

Ethnobotanical survey of the plants used in the treatment of Haemorrhoids was carried out in South-Western, Nigeria. The herbalists, herb sellers and traditionalists were interviewed by the administration of questionnaires. From the survey, a total of 143 plant species belonging to 58 families were found to be useful for the treatment. The most prominent among these plant families is the Leguminosae family with 22 species, an indication of the utmost importance of this family in the cure of haemorrhoids. Other plant families include Euphorbiaceae (8), Apocynaceae (6), Meliaceae, Compositae and Poaceae with 5 species each. In all, the commonest species in the recipes are Senna alata Linn., Gongronena latifolium Benth, Axonopus compressus Engl. & Diels, Anogeiessus leiocarpus (D.C) Guil. L & Per, Pteleiopsis suberosa Engl. & Diels, Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schun & Thonn) Taub, Khaya spp and Allium spp. All the plants identified in this work have been used severally by the herbalists and adjudged to be efficacious.