Enhancement the octane number of gasoline petroleum fraction using synthetic zeolite | Abstract
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Enhancement the octane number of gasoline petroleum fraction using synthetic zeolite

Author(s): Mutaz M. Elshiekh and Nazar A. Elnasri

The main aim of this work is to enhance the octane number of the gasoline portion of the Sudanese petroleum using synthetic zeolite. The octane number measures the degree of the gasoline resist to self ignition prior to combustion. Gasoline with higher octane number has higher tendency to resist self ignition. Gasoline containing branched and aromatic hydrocarbons resists self ignition rather than gasoline containing straight chain hydrocarbons. 2, 2, 4 tri methyl pentane named iso octane ( has octane number 100) and n-heptane (has octane number 0 ) are used to measure the octane number of the oil under the test. Two types of octane numbers were used, those are the research octane number (RON) which measures the octane number of an engine with a normal speed (600 rpm) and the motor octane number (MON) which measures the octane number of an engine with high speed (900 rpm). Zeolites are frame work of tetrahedral silicates (TO4), with a net negative charge balanced by a positive cation. Zeolite /Li indicating that the Li cation is used to neutralized the framework. Four synthetic zeolites were prepared: Zeolite /Li , Zeolite /Na , Zeolite /Cu and Zeolite /Bi. Equal amount of the above zeolites (in grams) were mixed separately with the same amounts( in liter) of the gasoline portion of the Sudanese petroleum. The gasoline portion used before the addition of zeolites is considered to be a standard and is called a blank. The octane number of the blank and the four mixtures were measured ( ASTM 2296) and compared . Zeolite/Li enhanced both the RON and the MON compared with the blank, it is considered to be the best among the other zeolites and subjected to further analysis. Physical properties ( distillation , density , S.G@15OC , reid vapor pressure and the degree of corrosion ) were carried out for the blank , the mixture of zeolite /Li with the gasoline. The main analytical techniques used were X Ray Diffraction (XRD) , X Ray Fluorescent (XRF) and Infra red Spectroscopy ( IR). XRD is made to the solid zeolite/Li to predict the type of crystallographic structure and type of the zeolite. Zeolite /Li was found to be zeolite type Y with the name Albite referenced and compared with the (ICCD). XRF was made to zeolite/Li to find the elements embedding within the zeolite structure. The type of elements and their concentrations were found and compared. IR is made for zeolite/Li to estimate the functional groups. zeolite/Li was found to contain TO4 ( where T is Si or Al) and T-O bond in addition to hydroxyl group which may act as bridge within the framework structure. We consider this work and the data so obtained are of industrial importance for enhancing the quality of gasoline under the test and environmental importance for substituting the Lead added to the gasoline with the zeolite which is harmless to the environment and causing no pollution.