Effects of varying hot water temperatures on the germination and early growth of Dialuim guineense (Willd) seeds | Abstract
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Effects of varying hot water temperatures on the germination and early growth of Dialuim guineense (Willd) seeds

Author(s): OBOHO, E. G, OGANA, F. N.

Rural dwellers require simple and affordable methods of breaking dormancy of seeds for planting. This study has investigated the effect of varying hot water temperatures on the germination and early growth of Dialium guineense seeds. The treatments were control (untreated), 200C, 400C, 600C, 800C and 1000C. Treated seeds were raised in polythene pots arranged in a Completely Randomized Design manner, with four replications per treatment. Increasing temperature enhanced germination percentage, extended mean time of germination and reduced time of emergence. The 800C treatment gave the best germination percentage of 36.88, followed by 1000C (35.65), 600C (33.75), control (28.13), 200C (27.50) and 400C (25.63). Seedling height ranged between 13.13 – 17.00cm, collar diameter being 0.91cm – 1.12cm and leaf number between 7 – 8 leaves for the temperatures examined. Only height growth was statistically significant. Temperature of 600C and above is needed to positively improve the germination and early growth of Dialium guineense seed and 800C has been recommended as best treatment. More studies are needed for enhanced early growth rate of this species.