Huntington's disease [HD] is a neurodegenerative disease with abnormal movements, cognitive decline, and psychiatric disorder. To date, there is no known treatment to eradicate the disease and treatment strategies are often symptomatic. In this study, we review a medical report of a patient with HD and severe psychiatric symptoms treated by electroconvulsive therapy [ECT] Case report The patient is a 36-year-old man with Choreoathetoid movements and Psychiatric symptoms. As pharmacotherapy, had not significant effect Psychiatric and motor symptoms progressed. He treated with bitemporal ECT, Tetrabenazine and aripiprazole. Sessions of ECT had significant effect in treating psychiatric and movement symptoms. within 6 months’ follow-up, mood and psychiatric symptoms were controlled and motor symptoms were not worse. Conclusion ECT as an effective treatment in motor and psychiatric symptoms can be considered as first-line therapy that don’t have significant side effects and doesn’t affect cognition seriously. It is suggested to conduct other studies in future on a larger number of patients and compare pharmacotherapy to treatment with ECT.