Effective soil resource recycling with a new biodegradation method towards organic soil management Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? A case study from Howrah Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR | Abstract
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Central European Journal of Experimental Biology


Effective soil resource recycling with a new biodegradation method towards organic soil management Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? A case study from Howrah Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR

Author(s): Mukhopadhyay K.1*, Mukherjee S.1, Seal A.2, Bera R.2 and Dolui A.K.3

Composting plays an important role in organic soil management and presently there has been a rising quest for farmer friendly composting technology, which can enable compost production using any type of available raw materials. A study was done in Howrah Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), ICAR during 2013 to 2015 to evaluate the effectivity of Novcom composting method towards production of quality compost using on-farm available resources like water hyacinth, poultry litter and banana stumps. Novcom composting process (irrespective of the type of raw material used) completed within a short time frame of 21 days and laboratory analysis as per international standards confirmed that, the compost under this method was mature, non- phytotoxic and ready to use for any type of agricultural soil management from nursery tubes to main field operation. Highest nutrient content was obtained in case of Novcom poultry litter compost (4.33) with comparatively higher compost mineralization index (2.38). Where as self-generated microbial population was highest in case of Novcom banana stump compost (36.2 x 1015), closely followed by the others. Evaluation of Compost Quality Index (CQI) indicated highest value (6.17) in case of Novcom water hyacinth compost followed by Novcom poultry litter compost (4.89) and Novcom banana stump compost (4.74). The study indicated that Novcom composting method on account of the wide choice of raw materials, short biodegradation period and quality end product; could be useful towards infiltration of composting habits among farming community, in order to enable on-farm resource recycling and effective organic soil management