Effective motivational factors social-proud ness, friends, Socialization the attraction of spectators to Iranian Football primary league | Abstract
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Effective motivational factors social-proud ness, friends, Socialization the attraction of spectators to Iranian Football primary league

Author(s): Ahmad Torkfar, Mehrzad Moghadasi, Rahim Shirazinejad,Bahare Behaeen, Ahdiyeh Yadolazadeh, Mir Hamid Salehian

Nowadays, Soccer like others is an economic activity that is came from presentation area by the aims to gather spectators together. This study aim was to analyse the effect of motivational factors on attraction of spectators to Iranian primary football league. 1067 persons of spectators were volunteered to complete the researcher questionnaire in five different subjects, age, education, friends, social-proud ness and socialization and family dimensions. The findings indicated that socialization and more effects then other factors. Studying of the education status indicated that the social-proud ness and the most effective factor among the factors to enhance attracting the spectators towards soccer matches, among variables effecting on the structure equation model, social-proud ness measures alone and mixed with other factors indicated the most effect on attracting the spectators towards soccer matches, whereas friends turned out to be of less significance. Overall results showed that due to deep tissue factors such as family community friendly to different age groups plays an important role in attracting spectators of play that needs attention and planning for comprehensive and more accurate track of their absorption is. The pride factor as lower-role factor in our country had attracted spectators because of social-proud ness and the importance and value criteria in the presence of national sporting people should be strengthened.