Effect of physicochemical characteristics of soil on growth and wood production in Cottonwood Plantation (Populusdeltoides Marsh) (Stury area: Masal forests of Iran) | Abstract
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Effect of physicochemical characteristics of soil on growth and wood production in Cottonwood Plantation (Populusdeltoides Marsh) (Stury area: Masal forests of Iran)

Author(s): Alinaghi Seddighi1, FarhadFadaie Khoshkebijary2 and BahmanSotoudeh Foumani3

Poplar is one of the most important species for fast wood production. Several factors affect the growth of Poplar plantations including the presence of species or clones, site fertility, climate and planting distance. In the present study, the effect of several physicochemical characteristics of soil such as texture, acidity, organic content and Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium concentrations in the Masal region, north of Iran was investigated. For this purpose, three different compartments in the Sheikhneshin district which were selected. Then, 5 hectares (250 × 200 meter) of a stand was selected in each compartment and was divided into 10 sample plots of 4 acres with a dot grid of 50 × 50 meter in a systematic random statistical method. In each plot, the diameter of all trees at breast height was measured. Furthermore, in each 5 hectare plot, 3 soil profiles were dug. Statistical analysis was performed using the SAS software. After analysis of the variance, the LSD group comparison test was used foranalysing the group mean data. In this study, at the optimum content conditions in a hectare, a stand of 89.5m3with an average annual growth rate of 5m3 was achieved at the age of 18. The results of this study showed that the studied stands were in one of the poorest sites with respect to soil nutrients. Furthermore, the results showed that Poplar is highly influenced by soil quality, texture and pH,Nitrogen, Phosphorus and organic.