Effect of Low-dose Lead on Semen Quality and Sperm's DNA Integrity in Adult Male Mice | Abstract
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Central European Journal of Experimental Biology


Effect of Low-dose Lead on Semen Quality and Sperm's DNA Integrity in Adult Male Mice

Author(s): Basima Mohammed Al-Juboori1; Farqad Bader Hamdan2, Anam Rashid Al-Salihi1

Human fertility had been found to decline over time [1]. Moreover, it was noticed that there is a worldwide decline in male semen quality. We can conclude that even with lower lead concentration and not only with the higher BLL, significant reduction was noticed in epididymal sperms concentration, motility, morphology and vitality. Detecting sperm DNA fragmentation by SCD technique, which is up to our knowledge was used for the first time in Iraq, indicates significant increase with the higher lead dose, i.e. with BLL of 28µg/dL.