Effect of heat treatment on tensile and compression strength of nickel aluminium bronze (Cu-10%Al-5%Ni-5%Fe) | Abstract
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Effect of heat treatment on tensile and compression strength of nickel aluminium bronze (Cu-10%Al-5%Ni-5%Fe)

Author(s): Praveen Kumar Nigam and Prabhash Jain

In this investigation two types of heat treatment solutionizing and ageing were employed to nickel-aluminium bronze (NAB alloy) containing Al, Fe and Ni as the alloying elements. Heat treatment was done to access their effect on the mechanical properties e.g. tensile and compressive strength and strain. Solutionizing temperature carried out at 850oC and 900oC for duration of 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min. similarly, ageing was carried out at 300oC and 500oC for the duration of 120 min and 180 min. The heat treated samples were subjected to water quenching in order to bring them to ambient temperature. The tensile and compressive strength and ductility of the alloy were determined in different conditions. In this case, the heat treatment was carried out in optimized conditions (temperature and duration) of solutionizing and ageing. Optimization was done based on the best combination of hardness and microstructural homogeneity attained by the samples during the heat treatment. Optimization is not included in this paper.