Effect of different irrigation level on yield potato | Abstract
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Effect of different irrigation level on yield potato

Author(s): Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi, Mehrdad Yarnia, Noshin Farajzadeh and Vahid Ahmadzadeh

Potato tuber products that has an important role in feeding the world with annual production of 31 million tons of food products is important and different types of soil and climatic conditions is growing culture. Potato after wheat, rice and corn for the fourth position and the number of producing countries is in the second after the corn. A factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted during growing season of 2009 at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Agricultural Research Station. Treatments including: irrigation of 70 (control), 110, 150 mm evaporation from basin class A and different varieties of potato, including (Agria, Satyna, Savalan, Kaizr and Markis) respectively. The results showed that water stress decreased yield and lowest yield was in cultivar Markis with 150 mm of irrigation water evaporation basin level and most resistant cultivars in the rate of tuber production with 10.68 numbers has been obtained Satyna. Equivalent of 96.12 percent increase than sensitive cultivars. Therefore aim of this study reaction of different cultivars of potato on different traits.