European Journal of Zoological Research
Author(s): Umamaheswari Sepperumal and Senthilnathan Saminathan
Diethyl phthalate is a kind of plasticizer widely used in industries. Phthalate esters have recently attracted special
attention of the scientific community, regulatory agencies and the general public as a consequence of their high
production volume, widespread use and possible endocrine related effects. Hence the present study was conducted
to assess the chronic and sub lethal toxicity level of diethylphthalate (DEP) on the freshwater fish
Oreochromismossambicus. The 96h LC50 value of diethyl phthalate exposed fish Oreochromismossmbicus was
estimated by probit analysis method (with 95% confidence limits). The fish was treated with different concentrations
namely, 5 and 15 ppm w/v of DEP. The survivability of fish exposed to different concentrations of diethylphthalate
was assessed. Hematological parameters such as red blood cell count (RBC), white blood corpuscles
(WBC),hemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
(MCHC), mean cell volume (MCV), were observed in the exposed fish and compared with the control group. The
results revealed that sub lethal concentrations of diethyl phthalate produced changes in all the measured
hematological parameters. Present findings revealed that Diethylphthalate exerts its toxic action even at sub lethal
concentrations and hematological parameters and abnormal behavior may be sensitive indicators to evaluate
phthalate intoxication.