Effect of Cu2+ Doping on the Growth and Band Gap Energy of Nano Crystals of Lead Iodate | Abstract
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Effect of Cu2+ Doping on the Growth and Band Gap Energy of Nano Crystals of Lead Iodate

Author(s): K. D. Girase, H. M. Patil, D. K. Sawant and D. S. Bhavsar

Copper doped crystals of lead iodate were successfully grown in silica gel medium. Influence of metal Cu2+ dopant on the structural and optical properties of the lead iodate crystals has been studied using XRD and UV-Vis. It was observed that, size of the crystal increased with increasing the doping concentration of Cu2+ ions. XRD analysis reveals that the grain size of the crystal decreased with increasing the doping concentration of Cu2+ ions. The study of UV absorption spectra reveals that band gap energy of Cu2+ doped lead iodate crystals increases with the increasing doping concentration.