The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of frequency of feedback (internal and external) with goal setting intervention (coach setting and self- setting) for university male basketball beginners participating on learning of basketball set shot. 120 right handed male students by average 18-30 years with no knowledge of basketball were chosen randomly and by pretest shot set, matched into eight experimental groups: %50 Internal feedback with coach setting, %100 Internal feedback with coach setting, %50 External feedback with coach setting, %100 External feedback with coach setting, %50 Internal feedback with self- setting, %100 Internal feedback with self- setting, %50 External feedback with self- setting, %100 External feedback with self- setting one, each shooting a total of 10 shot after the pretest, 10 sessions of practice an acquisition test, a day off a retention test and transfer test was conducted a week later for each group. Data was analyzed by variance of 2 × 2 × 2 combined design. To compare the pre-test, acquisition, retention and transfer of variance with repeated measurements, Bonferroni test was used in case of significant differences between groups. By analyzing the proposed hypotheses at the P ≥0.05 demonstrated significant differences between frequency of internal and external with goal setting ones. The eight practice conditions suggesting that frequency of feedback (internal and external) with goal setting intervention (coach and selfsetting) do not have significantly effect on acquisition and retention of basketball set shot, but significantly effect on transfer test. In this particular study, external focus of attention along with coach setting was found to be more effective than an internal focus of attention with self -setting. These results suggest that the performance in basketball set shot is enhanced by external focus attention with coach setting. The present findings add to the evidence that external focus of attention with goal setting improves sport skills learning.