Effect of adhesive properties and content on the level teichoic acids are capable of forming biofilms strains of staphylococcus aureus | Abstract
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Effect of adhesive properties and content on the level teichoic acids are capable of forming biofilms strains of staphylococcus aureus

Author(s): Valeriy V. Minukhin, Elena V. Kochneva, Dmitriy V. Minukhin, Anna O. Syrovaya, Vladimir A. テδεツ津δづつ静δε「ツツ堙δテ「ツツ愿δεツ津δづつ静δε「ツツ堙δづつーkテδεツ津δづつ静δε「ツツ堙δづつーrov, Vitaliy V. テδεツ津δづつ静δε「ツツ堙δテ「ツツ愿δεツ津δづつ静δε「ツツ堙δづつーkテδεツ津δづつ静δε「ツツ堙δづつーrov, Larisa V. Lukiyanova

Most of inflammatory diseases which are caused by Staphylococcus aureus, proceed with the formation of biofilms. The microorganisms in biofilms composed of 50-500 times increase their resistance to disinfectants, antimicrobials, bacteriophages, phagocytes and antibodies. To date, the mechanisms of biofilm formation are not well understood, therefore the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the adhesive properties, the level of teichoic acids and the ability to form biofilms of clinical and reference strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The study found that all the indicators that were studied were higher (p < 0,05) in clinical isolates of S. aureus compared to the referent. The index of adhesion of microorganisms in clinical isolates was – (4,98 ± 1,3), indicators of average optical density levels of teichoic acids (0,373 ± 0,031) un. OP, the ability to form biofilms and above was also determined at the level (1,0683 ± 0,006) un. OP. Moreover, a direct correlation (r = 0,643) between the indices of the adhesive properties and teichoic acid content level S. aureus cells. Consequently, we can assume that the adhesive properties and increase the level of teichoic acids from clinical isolates of S. aureus is a sign of pathogenicity and virulence, which may affect the ability of microorganisms to biofilm formation.