Sitopaladi Churna. Is a most trusted and sold Ayurvedic formulations among the Ayurvedic medicines, Piperine is one of the major constituent of Sitopaladi Churna. The process of development of HPLC fingerprints for Sitopaladi Churna extract is introduced in detail. The three laboratory batches and three marketed batches were taken in this study to estimate the % of piperine in this indigenous formulation. The selection of a suitable chromatographic system, the screening for important parameters, and gradient optimization to method validation, and an integrated and universal HPLC fingerprint approach was performed. This improves the separation quality of the fingerprint. The detection wavelength of piperine was 342 nm. The results of the method validation, based on the relative standard deviation of relative retention times and relative peak areas, were acceptable. Calibration curves showed good linear regression (R2 > 0.9935) within test range. The LODs and the LOQs for the piperine were 0.027055 mg/ml and 0.081985 mg/ml. This strategy is used for the estimation of piperine in Sitopaladi Churna formulation and identifies and assessed its quality.