Development of design of motor using one way nitinol | Abstract
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Development of design of motor using one way nitinol

Author(s): Mohit R Jiwnani, Shubham Shekhar, Pulak Agrawal, Shubham Bansal, Priyank Srivastava, R. K. Tyagi

The aim of this research is to make a Nitinol motor using One-Way Nitinol, based on the previous design of Nitinol Heat Engine invented in 1973’s. The main principal behind our motor was based on the Nitinol property known as “Shape Memory”. The motor basically comprises of “U-shape” Nitinol wire mounted a centre spoke wheel using hook and a container containing separate section of hot and cold water. Unlike two-way Nitinol, one way Nitinol can only memorize one shape so it was necessary to provide outside force to retract to its “U-shape”. For this, springs were mounted on one of hook to retract the Nitinol back to its U-shape. The intension of this research is to develop a feasible design of the motor which runs on one way nitinol.