Determination of Heavy Metals (Cd, Pb, Hg and Fe) in Two Commercial Shrimps in Northern of Hormoz Strait | Abstract
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Determination of Heavy Metals (Cd, Pb, Hg and Fe) in Two Commercial Shrimps in Northern of Hormoz Strait

Author(s): Maziar Yahyavi, Majid Afkhami and Reza khoshnood

This study was carried out to detect the concentration of heavy metals in the muscle of two shrimp species (Metapenaeus affinis and Feneropenaeus merguiensis) in north side of Hormoz strait in four seasons(Winter 2009- Autumn2010). Al samples of each species (including 15 male shrimps and also15 female shrimps) have been collected at each season. All samples were analyzed for Cd, Pb, and Fe, concentrations by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and for Hg by LECO AMA254 Advanced Mercury Analyzer. In this study , the highest concentration(Total mean concentration In term of μg/g dry weight) of heavy metals in F. merguiensis in male for Hg,Fe,Cd and Pb was 0.15,17.9,0.09 and 0.55 μg/g respectively and for female concentration of Hg,Fe,Cd and Pb was 0.17, 16.8 , 0.1 and 0.45 μg/g respectively.Heavy metlas concentration in male of M. affinis was 0.25 , 29.98 , 0.13 and 2.05 μg/g for Hg,Fe,Cd and Pb respectively.concentration of Hg,Fe,Cd and Pb in female of M. affinis was 0.25 , 19.69 , 0.14 and 2.02 μg/g respectively. Also, the comparison of our results with the International standards showed that the concentration of Hg, Fe, Cd and Pb in the two shrimp species (M. affinis and F. merguiensis) is less than the authorized range of WHO, FDA and EPA standards, hence the consumption of these shrimps is without encumbrance.