ß -glycosidase was partially purified from plant source (Cassava-505 and 419 Cultivars) by extraction with acetate
buffer. Separate fractional precipitation was carried out using ammonium sulphate and acetone, followed by heat
treatment. The Content of partially purified enzyme from each cultivar gave 0.46mg/ml and 0.069mg/ml
respectively. Mathematical treatment of the data from the degradation of linamarin by the partially purified enzyme
generated HCNValues that were used to construct line weaver Burk plot. This gave apparent Km and Vmax value of
5.75mm and 3.2×10²mmol HCN /min/ml for 505 cultivar. 7.80mm and 3.7×10²mmol HCN /min/ml for 419 cultivar.
The Temperature and PH optima obtained for both the crude and partially purified enzyme showed high degree of
hydrolysis towards standard linamarin and cyanogenic glucosides of cassava.