Decision-Making Tools In The Cloud Platform For Golden Seed Breeding Enable Intelligent Plant Breeding | Abstract
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources


Decision-Making Tools In The Cloud Platform For Golden Seed Breeding Enable Intelligent Plant Breeding

Author(s): Stuart Anderson*

Information technologies are excellent means to enhance plant variety improvement, but plant breeding is an effective guarantee of agricultural production and food security. Breeding information technologies offer a practical and scientific way to breed, but they also create a challenge for huge data processing with multidimensional breeding data at various granularities over generations. Therefore, it is essential and crucial to have decision support tools that assist breeders in gathering pertinent and valuable information. The decision support tools of the cloud-based golden seed breeding platform are introduced in this work on three different levels: graphical user interfaces, statistical tools, and intelligent decision support tools. In more than 150 breeding institutes in China, the benefits have significantly increased breeding efficiency as well as data management and application skills. Our system's successful implementation demonstrates the value of our research and offers information and support for upcoming studies.