Current review on organophosphorus poisoning | Abstract
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Current review on organophosphorus poisoning

Author(s): Subash Vijaya kumar, Md. Fareedullah, Y. Sudhakar, B. Venkateswarlu, E. Ashok Kumar

Organophosphorus (OP) compounds constitute a heterogeneous category of chemicals specifically designed for the control of pests, weeds or plant diseases. Our review article mainly focused on OP poisoning, especially with pesticides, its severity and management of toxic exposure. We developed a search strategy to find publications about OP poisoning and its management. So, we searched Science Direct, Medline and PubMed bibliographic databases using the key phrases causes of organophosphorus compounds, diagnosis, management of OP poisoning and drugs under clinical trials. Our review article examines pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, toxicokinetics of OP poison, its prevention and management. In addition to that, our review suggested antioxidants should be administered for OP poisoning patients to reduce severity. We conclude that in future, the ministry of agriculture of developing countries especially India, should concentrate on the optimization and monitoring of usage of OP compounds as pesticides and furthermore, encouraging the farmers to use natural pesticides rather than chemical pesticides.