Comparing effects of two creatine loading methods along with 6 weeks of resistance training on strength and some anthropometric indices of experienced bodybuilders | Abstract
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Comparing effects of two creatine loading methods along with 6 weeks of resistance training on strength and some anthropometric indices of experienced bodybuilders

Author(s): 1Hadi Baghban and 2Ensieh Rahimi Pashakolaei

The purpose of this study was to compare effects of two creatine loading methods along with 6 weeks of resistance training on strength and some anthropometric indices of resistance experienced bodybuilders. Twenty seven male athletes with mean age of 22.26 years, height of 178.41 cm and weight of 50.80 kg were randomly divided to three groups in a double-blind design; the first experimental group was creatine loading (n=9), an second experimental group was creatine consumption without loading (n=9) and the last one was placebo group (n=9). Then, muscle strength test including chest, arms and legs was done at 1RM with free weights. Body composition and size of different body parts were measured for each exercise protocol. The training protocol was similar for all three groups, which included a three resistance training programs per week. The loading group received 20 g creatine in four 5 g servings for 6 days on a daily basis and then continued with 10 g creatine per day until completion of the program. The no-loading group received 10 g creatine every day. Also, the placebo group acted like the protocol of group 2; but, it used starch instead of ceratin. To compare the groups, ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test were run in SPSS16. The findings of this study showed that creatine supplementation loading significantly increased muscle strength in bench-press, biceps and dead lift. Also, femur and biceps circumference significantly increased in creatine loading group compare with the two other groups. Body fat percentage had no significant change in three groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that creatine loading method could lead to increased strength and improvement of lean muscle mass compared with two other groups.