Comparative phytochemical screening of Ereromastax speciosa and Ereromastax polysperma | Abstract
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources


Comparative phytochemical screening of Ereromastax speciosa and Ereromastax polysperma

Author(s): Mboso O. E.,Eyong E. U., Odey. M. O. and Osakwe E.

In this study, the phytochemical constituents of Ereromastax speciosa and ereromatax polysperma leaves was investigated. These leaves are commonly used amongst traditional birth attendants in the rural regions of calabar cross river state and akwa ibom state, Nigeria. In this study, experienced traditional birth attendants from the local regions in cross river and akwaibom were orally interviewed about the use of these herbs in enhancing fertility. Claims have been made by these traditional birth attendants on the efficacy of these plants for the treatment of internal heat, arresting of post partum bleeding, other reproductive complications like retention of placenta, enhancing of fertility in infertile females. Quantitative phytochemical analysis of these leaves were determined using the methods described by Harborne [1], including the method of Swain[2] for the determination of tannins , Spectrophotometric method of Brunner [3] for the determination of saponnins, Folin–Ciocalteau reagent method[4], for the determination of polyphenols, has revealed the presence of bioactive components in varying quantities. Results on phytochemical analysis on Ereromastax polysperma and Ereromastax speciosa respectively showed the presence of Tannins(15.00±0.00 and 45.00±0.00), phenols(55.00±0.00 and 10.50±1.50), flavonoids(977.50±27.50 and 1247.50±2.50), alkaloids(652.50±2.50 and 202±2.50), saponins (975.00±0.00 and 75.00±0.00), terpenes(1075.00±25.00 and 80.00±5.00). The findings from this study show the therapeutic values of these leaves and its use in the management of female infertility.