Colours of physical origin in dyed silk | Abstract
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Colours of physical origin in dyed silk

Author(s): Mitali Konwar,Priyankshu Protim Deori and G. D. Baruah

The present work reports the observations made on a collection of twenty specimens of dyed silk of Assam procured for the study related to the spectral characteristics reflected by the dyed silk in a variety of colours to suit different tastes. It is worthwhile to note that there is a direct relationship between the brightness of different colours as observed by a spectroscope and the quality (cost) of product. The aim of the present work is to set out in a systematic manners the methods and results of the experimental investigations on various aspects of the superposition of colour of physical origin. It has emerged from the studies that the observations of the spectral characteristics shall prove to be handy in silk industry in Assam.